Active substance: glyphosate 500 g/l, according to potassium salt
Pharmaceutical form: aqueous solution (water solution)
Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection AG
Packaging: 1 l
Dosage: 1 liter is dissolved in 80 liters of water
Uragan Forte is a non-selective herbicide made on the basis of potassium glyphosate acid, the drug is used against annual and perennial weeds after harvest, for soil preparation, in gardens and vineyards, for non-agricultural land and in the reclamation system to remove weeds.
Uragan Forte is characterized by good solubility and good adhesion, which allows to increase the effect of the active substance by 50%. The drug has a new surfactant system that easily penetrates the plant leaf and moves to the growth points. Selective against glyphosate-resistant hybrids.
Fast and complete invasion of the weed plant
Effective in cold and dry conditions
The waiting time from input to other agrotechnical measures is reduced
Rapid control of stubborn weeds
Low spending rate
Absence of restriction in crop rotation